Getting your ideas the attention they deserve

The #UnApologetic Movement



LAB for 600 participants on the ´Way of The Agile Woman´ Practical, do it now, never forget trainings


Never seen before faciliation when you need your people to talk to other departments

one to one

Reprogramming of the thoughts that keep Imposters Syndrome making you keeping your mouth shut

With over 150 young international students. She was able to motive and connect with the audience with her friendly energy and meaningful speech, in spite of the fact that the setting was not easy at all. She can help you achieve the expected impact, communicate, entertain or keep your event moving. Jessica is unique, passionate and funny. For me, the use of intelligent humour in public speaking is a difficult art. And she masters it.
Judith Romero

Got a global team?

Spoken in these places: Nigeria, Dubia, Istanbul, Mumbai, Manila, Chennai, Barcelona, Morocco, Holland, London, Bristol, Athens, Slovenia, Kuala Lumpur, Paris, Los Angeles, New York, France, Portugal, Berlin, Bali, Hong Kong, China, Macau, Vietnam, Pakistan, Singapore



visited countries




continents lived



You need more trust and feeling like you are part of something big and meaningful, right? 


If you said yes- you are probably a GenZ.

For the millenials and GenX- we want to feel like our voices are heard. I am called a Social Alchemist and I transform how your team talks. If you only got 1 hour in the agenda at your conference, then I guarantee an eyes-lit-up energy where your team applaudes understanding that their success & resilience to stress depends on how and when they adapt.